
Learn Javascript And Python At The Same Time?

Python and JavaScript are 2 of the almost popular programming languages right now. Although both are object-oriented programming languages, their scopes are different. Existence comparatively easy to acquire, and with ample job opportunities for both, Python and JavaScript are ideal choices for starting a coding career is a adept selection.

In the Python vs. JavaScript debate, it'due south of import to know both what they have in common, as well every bit their differences. While there is a lot in common, there are some important differences that are well worth knowing earlier you jump into learning either one.

Before we go ahead and first list the various differences between JavaScript and Python, let's first become through a general overview of the 2 languages.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level, interpreted, strongly-typed programming language featuring dynamic semantics and object-oriented design. It is meant to be easy to read and piece of cake to implement. Often cited every bit one of the easiest programming languages to acquire, check out some of the best Python courses to get a fuller understanding of the language.

Python can as well serve equally a scripting language to the likes of Perl and Cerise for creating web applications. The dazzler of Python is that it allows programmers to utilise a range of programming styles for developing both circuitous and simple programs.

Python is a 'batteries included programming language,' which simply refers to the wide range of modules information technology comes with. Programming paradigms supported by Python are:

  • Functional programming
  • Imperative programming
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Procedural programming

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript or JS is an object-oriented programming language widely used for creating dynamic web pages. It is standardized in the ECMAScript linguistic communication specification. Besides OOP, JS also provides support for 2 other programming paradigms: functional and imperative.

JS is typically used inside a web browser for providing dynamic functionality that tin't be achieved using CSS and HTML. JavaScript too supports building standard web applications with date, text, and regular expressions.

Although JavaScript was initially meant for forepart-end development, it is at present too used for back-end evolution. Thus, JavaScript offers the capability to perform total-stack development. In fact, with Node.js, JS tin can be used for developing standalone desktop applications also.

The all-time JavaScript courses will provide the deep dive y'all need to become started with front-end and full-stack development.

Is JavaScript or Python Easier?

From the perspective of getting started, it is much easier to acquire Python than to learn JavaScript. In fact, one of the master design objectives of the Python programming language is being easy to sympathize and implement.

That'due south non to say JavaScript is a difficult language to larn. It is also insufficiently easy to learn, and information technology's very possible for you to build a decent kickoff projection within a month or two of you starting to learn.

Since they're both fairly piece of cake to learn, you should focus on what you want to build and your stop goals as an amateur programmer.

Which is Better: Python or JavaScript?

Choosing between Python or JavaScript is a affair of opinion.

They accept both ample job opportunities, are piece of cake to learn, and have wide support in the community. Each has its own career progression, and finds application in certain industries more than others.

Exercise your research on what a career with each linguistic communication is similar and factor that into your decision.

Are At that place More Jobs in Python or JavaScript?

Python vs Javascript Jobs Chart

Python and JavaScript are the two most pop programming languages on the market place right now. The demand for both is high: GitHub data shows them both at the top two spots when information technology comes to pull requests, with Python seeing a 17.9% year-over-yr (YoY) growth and JS seeing a 14% increase YoY.

The Stack Overflow Developer Survey results for 2021 testify the median income of JS at approximately $56,000, while Python ranks slightly higher at $61,000. As for the actual amount of task opportunities, the exact number can vary, but both are amongst the highest in task postings online.

So, in a nutshell, both Python and JS have a lot of chore opportunities.

Python vs. JS: A Head-to-Caput Comparing

Arrays, Lists, and Tuples

JavaScript provides support for arrays as inbuilt data types. Although in that location is no built-in back up for arrays in Python, there is a workaround for implementing arrays in Python . This is accomplished using lists, the closest thing to arrays that Python has to offering.

Python lists are like to another data blazon available in the programming language : tuples. The most important difference between a list and a tuple is that while the former is mutable, the latter is immutable.

Attributes and Backdrop

JavaScript objects take properties that tin can be composed of underlying attributes. It lets you define a holding. In the Python programming linguistic communication, the descriptor protocol, where getter and setter functions are used, allows you to define an attribute.

Code Blocks

JavaScript makes use of curly brackets for defining code blocks. Python, on the other paw, uses indentation for defining code blocks. While JavaScript has the semi-colon (;) that serves as the argument terminator (though it is non mandatory), Python uses a newline.

Encoding Format

JavaScript should be encoded as UTF-xvi. Likewise, in that location is no inbuilt support in the programming linguistic communication for manipulating raw bytes. Unless an encoding format is specified, Python source code is ASCII by default.

Office Argument

Functions Argument Image

Using the args keyword to pass an unspecified number of arguments

Python raises an exception in case a function is called with wrong parameters. It also accepts additional parameters with the special syntax "*args". The latter is used to laissez passer a variable number of arguments to a function.

JavaScript doesn't intendance whether a function is called with right parameters or not. This is because, by default, any missing parameters in JS are given the 'undefined' value; If there are whatever additional arguments, then they are treated as special arguments by JavaScript.

Hash Tables

Hash tables are indexed structures that permit you to define a listing of paired values. They are used for searching, insertion and deletion operations, and are faster than

The Python programming linguistic communication features inbuilt hash tables, called dictionaries, sets, et cetera. The Dictionary information type is what is used to correspond the implementation of hash tables.

JavaScript has hash table support in the class of map and ready.

Implicit Conversion

Python is a strongly-typed programming language, i.eastward, there is no implicit data blazon conversion that happens in the programming language. However, Python has a provision for both strong typing and dynamic typing.

Contrary to this, JavaScript is weakly-typed and, thus, offers implicit information blazon conversion.

For example, in Javascript, the type conversion would have place equally follows:

          3 + '3'; //The output is '33', a cord        

In Python, if yous were to do the same, you would go a TypeError. Dynamic typing refers to the chapters of a variable to modify its type based on its assignment at any particular moment.


Both Python and JavaScript back up inheritance. However, the deviation lies in their types. While JavaScript uses a paradigm-based inheritance model, Python makes use of a class-based inheritance model.

Some other distinction between Python and JavaScript in terms of inheritance is that Python doesn't have a way to inherit from instances, while JS does have.

Mobile Development

In addition to front-cease and back-terminate development, JavaScript is also a practiced pick for mobile development. However, Python is not typically used for developing mobile applications. Nevertheless, in recent years, some developers accept begun using Python for mobile evolution.

Modules and Libraries

Python is known as a 'batteries-included programming language' because it comes with several modules. Moreover, information technology has numerous libraries for accomplishing data analytics, machine learning, and scientific calculating.

On the contrary, JavaScript comes with a fewer number of modules, such as engagement, JSON, and math. Additional functionality for JS is available through the host surround, which is usually a web browser, and infrequently, something different, like an operating system.


Mutable objects are those whose values can be changed once they are assigned values. Contrarily, immutable objects can't change values.

Data types in Python are divided into mutable and immutable types. For example, the gear up is a mutable information type, while the list is an immutable data type.

JavaScript also has mutable and immutable data types. Examples of the former are objects, arrays and sets, while examples of the latter are numbers, strings and boolean values.

Numeric Types

In JavaScript, you used to have only floating-point variables. However, a new primitive type is  also supported by modern browsers and the V8 engine: BigInt.

On the contrary, the Python programming language features several varieties of numeric information types, such as int, fixed-betoken decimal, and float.

Object Access

To access the instance of the class, Python uses the 'self' keyword. JavaScript, on the contrary, has the 'this' method for accessing an object.

Object Access Code

Using the self keyword to access objects in Python

Object Access Code 4

Using the this method to access objects in JavaScript

Procedural Programming

Both Python and JavaScript follow a multi-paradigm arroyo i.e.; they provide back up for more than 1 programming paradigms.

Both Python and JavaScript offer functional, imperative, and object-oriented approaches to programming. All the same, Python has several aspects of a procedural programming linguistic communication, while JavaScript doesn't.

REPL (Read-Eval-Impress-Loop)

You go REPL with the installation of Python on your system. JavaScript has  REPL in the browser console of all modernistic browsers. You can also obtain REPL for JavaScript past installing Node.js.


JavaScript is ideal for edifice a website or native application. Python, on the other hand, is suitable for a variety of tasks, including data analytics, machine learning, and math-intensive operations.

Python and JavaScript: Fundamental Features and Differences Summarized




Arrays, Lists, and Tuples

No in-built support for arrays

Supports in-built data types

Attributes and Backdrop

The descriptor protocol is used to define attributes

Objects can have underlying attributes

Code Blocks

Uses indentation to define code blocks; new lines to terminate statements

Uses curly braces to ascertain code blocks; semicolons to terminate statements

Encoding Format

ASCII by default


Function Arguments

Raises an exception in case of wrong parameters

Missing parameters are assigned the undefined value

Hash Tables

Supports in-built hash tables

Has map and set

Implicit Conversion

No implicit data type conversion

Offers implicit data type conversion


Class-based inheritance model

Prototype-based inheritance model

Mobile Development

Non typically used for mobile evolution

Better utility for mobile development

Modules and Libraries

Has several modules

Has fewer modules


Supports both mutable and immutable types

Supports both mutable and immutable types

Numeric Types

Supports several numeric data types

Floating-point variables and BigInt


Uses the 'self' keyword

Uses the 'this' method

Procedural Programming

More robust support for procedural programming

Supports procedural programming; not as robust every bit Python



On modernistic browser consoles or through Node.js


Website and full-stack development

Information analytics, machine learning, scientific applications

Python vs Javascript: The Final Determination

You now know the differences between Python and Javascript, which should hopefully inform your decision on choosing between the two.

Both programming languages share a lot of aspects, such as post-obit a multi-paradigm approach and being lexically scoped. At the same fourth dimension, in that location are several differences between the two that must not exist ignored.

Call back, each language has its utilise cases. Notwithstanding, you can achieve nearly anything with Python that you lot can use with JavaScript.

In that location is no scarcity of libraries and extensions available to Python and JavaScript for achieving more than what is offered as inbuilt features. Although both have several job opportunities available, Python has a improve market place presence and is easier to acquire.

Whichever yous choose, good luck, and don't forget to make the best employ of online learning resources to assistance you on your journeying.

If y'all're interested in expandiing your knowledge, bank check out some of these great Python certifications.

python certified

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Which one is your personal favourite? Let usa know in the comment section.

Learn Javascript And Python At The Same Time?,


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